Short Film - Lochlan
Short Film - Lochlan
Throughout the past six months, Lochlan worked on making a short film. His film's original goal was to focus on dialogue, but as he learned more about filmmaking, he decided to make a dialogue-free movie. Throughout his time in Propel he did not only make one movie but worked on a total of four films. The first of which is an untitled project and does not consist of much story or plot. The second film is titled The Altercation and contained a small story and was made as a comedy. The third film was made as a Hitchcock-style thriller but was never ultimately finished, as he decided to move on to his final film instead of finishing it. The final film was titled The Journey, this film is about the path people walk in life. How people move forward and grow in life, the things they pick up and how they are affected in ways that they do not anticipate.