Tattoo Portfolio - Draven


Tattoo Portfolio - Draven


Tattoos are pretty cool, to put it plainly. There are so many styles, let alone things in the world to tattoo - there’s something for everyone.  Whether it’s something meaningful and deep rooted or just something cool and fun, I think everyone has room for a good accessory. I’ve always liked tattoos, they give a uniqueness to someone that I think is cool, although, I could go for a few less clocks, lions, and roses.

Growing up I was fairly artsy, but it wasn’t until the start of high school that my passion for art really picked up. I decided I wanted to be a tattoo artist about 3 years ago. I wanted a career that I could keep drawing and have fun and tattooing stoke out to me because it wasn’t quite the same as the other art/design related jobs I could find. From then, I started practicing more and thinking about how I can take my next step.

This was my second go around in Propel. The last semester I was here just setting great groundwork and trying to learn what I can do now that can help me achieve my career goal of being a tattoo artist in the future. It was a lot of learning little things like the different styles of tattoos, how the machines and needles work, and how other people have started in the industry. It made me even more motivated and interested in being an artist.  This semester, I continued putting together my portfolio and practicing my art. In the past year I’ve really levelled up my drawing skills and knowledge of the field. I’ve talked to many artists about their experiences and climb to success and been recognized by some of the talented artists here in Winnipeg that I look up to. I now know so much information that I hadn’t even thought of before, know many people I didn’t before, and gained many skills that will help me in and out of my career. Propel gave me the time to prepare for an unconventional career path that I haven’t seen anywhere else.

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