Music Production - Scarlette

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Music Production - Scarlette


Before coming to Propel, I had already started exploring the realm of songwriting and music production. I was already writing songs, so I decided to take three of them to Propel and use them to learn more about production. During the semester, I learned a lot about equalizing, compressors, different mixing techniques like panning, doubling, and parallel processing, as well as how to make my music sound the way I wanted it to. My project came together in the form of my EP: “Heartscapes.” The album focuses on my experience through heartbreak through three songs: “Rainfall,” “Dear You,” and “Heartscapes.”

For my second semester in Propel, I wanted to work on music once again. My project focused on releasing a new EP, learning new recording techniques, getting a band together to practice, and getting us to play live. I released two songs for a new single and played live on two different occasions: Solo at the MCGA Creative Music Festival, and then with my band at our school's spring music concert.

Before the start of the semester, I had written numerous songs in preparation for class. I then decided on three I wanted to further work on. Since I did propel last year, I wanted to challenge myself. I explored tone and different microphones, both with guitar and vocals. Previously, I had recorded guitar simply by plugging it directly into my interface. This time, I experimented with mic placement, different amp and guitar settings, using multiple microphones to get a wider, bigger sound, and using doubles and panning to fill out the mid ranges of my songs. I eventually decided to narrow my selection down to two songs in order to give them the work they required.

My band and I had decided to get together every week on Thursdays. We met in the school’s band room from 2:40-3:40 to practice. Though we never got a chance to perform our entire set live, we were still able to play through five songs: four covers and one of my originals. I learned a lot about working around other people’s schedules, as well as what it’s like to play in a band.

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