Nature Photography - Taylor
Nature Photography - Taylor
For as long as I can remember, I have always been obsessed with nature and animals. When I was younger, I would only watch vet shows and nature documentaries, and my school projects were only ever about the rainforest or climate change. My passion for photography developed in grade nine, and I have not stopped taking photos since.
My project this semester was to make a photo book. The book is called “Avarice: The Tragedy of Human Greed & Mass Extinction." “Avarice” features many various animals that I have photographed. I also did a small writing piece for each one about how humans have impacted each specific species, from aspects like climate change, overhunting, or habitat degradation.
When it came to creating the book, I felt I had almost written the animal's stories in a way, so the main idea when designing it was a “vintage storybook” feel. My book contains 17 animals, 35 photos, and 11 writing pieces. I created this book to show the importance of the animals we share our planet with. I wanted to try and show people the beauty I see in nature through my eyes.