Mental Health Documentary - Sam


Mental Health Documentary - Sam


This semester I have dedicated my time towards creating a documentary short- film. My documentary’s targeted audience are for those who may have or still are struggling with mental health complications. In my short film, I talk about problems I have had in the past, but also shine light on some strategies that have helped me, and others minimize their own problems.

In the first sequence, you will see me setting up my interview, introducing and inviting the viewer to what’s next. From a transition, we are now introduced to our first interviewee, Nolan! Nolan shares how music is important to him and how he relies on it to grant him good health. He also shares about the effects it has on your mood, and how it can change rapidly fast dependent on what you’re listening to.

Our second interviewee is Annie! Annie shares how positive affirmation can increase your mood. She mentions how writing positive affirming messages can help you after a long day.  It’s helped her stay focused on believing that there is light at the end of the tunnel, even if you can’t see it.

Now our third and final interviewee is Jake! Jake shares his personal stories about his dog Peanut. He talks about how Peanut had passed away recently and how you need to remember the good times to bring you happiness.

Good memories bring us joy, and joy is what runs the soul ~ Jake Brocklehurst.

My film displays a sample size of visual variety, including different focal lengths, ISO, and aperture settings. I tried my best to incorporate diversity in my locked shots, almost letting the frame take over the story.  I attempted to make one large transition, regarding my talking head. Almost like a big grand entry into what I had to say. In my talking head piece, I share some strategies I have used that have helped me in the past.

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