Original Board Game - Malachi & Jordan

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Original Board Game - Malachi & Jordan



The world of Aloria is rife with conflict. Its two most powerful kingdoms - Mysteroth and Alatar - have been embroiled in a conflict since time immemorial. At the heart of this war lies an ideological chasm. Where the Mysterotherians want harmony, peace, and nurturing, the avaricious Alatarans want nothing but what is good for themselves. They seek to harvest the world's precious and scarce supply of Amadite to feed their war machines. Though peaceful by nature, the Mysterotherians were no strangers to combat. Knowing that they must protect the Amadite for the sake of the greater good, they set to battle. And so began the war which has not yet ended. 

The kingdom was hewed in two by this quarrel. This division did not exclude the magic users known as "Summoners." Sides were chosen by these elite and ageless warriors as they deliberated the best way to move the world of Aloria toward a prosperous future.

In Summoners, you take the side of either the Light or Dark factions. Each team will choose a Summoner, who must be kept alive. turn-based gameplay involves building up the strength of the army in order to defeat the other teams' Summoner. Gameplay elements include unique card-based abilities, a mana system, a movement system, and a world map.

Jeremy and Malachi have developed the concept, mechanics, and original artwork for the board game Summoners. Jeremy focused on game logistics and publishing, while Malachi focused on the art for the game.

In order to create a unique game, Jeremy studied many others, such as "Magic: The Gathering" and Chess. He then created a master list of characteristics he wanted to include in Summoners. The game has the players pick up creature cards and use a price system to play them onto the board. They will move their creatures up the board to battle the enemy’s creatures and eventually destroy the enemies “king piece” - his/her summoner.

Malachi used Adobe Photoshop and a graphics tablet to bring his unique fantasy characters to life. He created 32 character cards, map art, and box graphics.

The boys finished their semester by professionally publishing their game.

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