Interior Design - Mariam

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Interior Design - Mariam


Mariam’s propel project was to redesign the Nelson McIntyre Collegiate’s drama room. The name of this project was “Interior Design?” with a question mark because she hoped that this project would be able to introduce herself to the work lifestyle of interior designers and see if it’s the right career path for her to explore. She wanted this project to get her an insight into how interior designers work with clients, like questions they ask, how they propose different ideas, and how they pull everything together at the very end. The room was painted, cleaned, and refurbished. It used to be dirty and filled with useless things. It was used as a storage room with no curtains and not a lot of space for someone to move around in. The room had boring and ugly walls with a falling apart bookshelf that had no books. Now, there are two black chalk walls, freshly painted grey brick walls, painted heaters, curtains made from donated fabric, custom-made cushions with eco-friendly stuffing, donated drama books, a painted clock, a painted bench and drama boxes, and a donated metal cabinet.

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