"Bliss" Photobook - Alèxa

Jersey 2.jpg
Jersey 1.jpg
Hadja 1.jpg
Giulia 1 .jpg
carter 4.jpg
Katelyn 1.jpg
Kathleen 1.jpg
Téa 1.jpg
Jersey 2.jpg
Jersey 1.jpg
Hadja 1.jpg
Giulia 1 .jpg
carter 4.jpg
Katelyn 1.jpg
Kathleen 1.jpg
Téa 1.jpg

"Bliss" Photobook - Alèxa


This was my second time at Propel. This semester I chose to create a photography book I called Bliss. This book features 17 first time models, giving them each their own page and a quote which the provided.    

This project will be one I remember forever. I had the opportunity to work with many amazing people, and I am beyond grateful for every individual that took part in this project. Not only did I capture incredible images of these beautiful people, but I also formed a bond with each of them. They taught me such valuable lessons, changing the way I view not only the world but also how I view myself. I thought I would print this book and call it art, but It’s so much more than that. This book holds irreplaceable memories for me. Each photo has a moment, a conversation before and after, a story of how it came to be. Viewers see the photo and feel the emotions, but only the photographer and the model know the true story behind it. That’s what makes this project so special for me.

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