Art Portfolio - Miles

Shards of Beauty.png
At Home With the Corn Apr 14 2022.png
Peace on Sunday - The Musician.png
The Pull.png
We've Always Been Here.png
Marigold Deathbed.png
Marigold Deathbed.png
Shards of Beauty.png
At Home With the Corn Apr 14 2022.png
Peace on Sunday - The Musician.png
The Pull.png
We've Always Been Here.png
Marigold Deathbed.png
Marigold Deathbed.png

Art Portfolio - Miles


Art is one of my biggest passions and I want to pursue it after high school. My goal is to receive a Bachelor of Fine Arts, so I used Propel this semester to build a portfolio for my university applications. There are quite a few schools I want to apply to, which means I need to meet a lot of requirements. This semester, I completed 19 pieces. Of the 19, 14 were choice-based, and five were for a drawing test. I also had to complete at least ten sketchbook pages. These pieces included a variety of mediums such as charcoal, graphite, clay, oil painting, acrylic painting, pencil crayon, and digital.

Propel gave me the chance to explore art to the fullest. I’ve grown a lot in both my knowledge of art as well as my personal work ethic. I’ve created a diverse and meaningful portfolio, and I’m so excited to continue with art in the future.

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