Architecture Magazine - Raiden

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Architecture Magazine - Raiden


For my project in Propel, I explored the fundamentals of architectural design and the creative processes behind it. More specifically, I focused on residential architecture revolving around the styles of Mid-Century Modern, and Mediterranean. These styles entailed me creating and designing three architectural concepts, conveying them into visual media. This includes portraying these concepts in the forms of Architectural sketches, online 3d models using SketchUp (an online 3d modeling software), physical 3d models, and showcasing all three concepts in an architectural-esque magazine. Therefore, the result of my project displayed a large variety of strong visual representation of all the architectural concepts I’ve created throughout my semester in Propel.

             The process behind creating and designing all three architectural concepts started with finding a site. I used realtor websites such as ‘’ to find empty lots of land to base the designs around. Once I found a lot, in an area of my choosing, I then used Google Maps to measure out the lot and import the dimensions into SketchUp. Afterward, I would begin the design process where I’d sketch out different designs and ideas until I came up with one I liked best. Then I would then refine it further and start its floorplan and exterior views. During this stage of designing/sketching, I would take inspiration from visions boards I made, compiled with images of each architectural style I wanted to emulate, to help guide me to achieve a similar style and essence within the concepts. Once I had the concepts and floorplans sketched out I would then import them into SketchUp. I used grid paper to sketch out the concepts and each square in the grid would equal a measurement, of which I’d input into SketchUp to convert the concept sketches into an online 3d model.  Upon completion of the SketchUp Model I was able to then use scaled down measurements from the online model to create a physical 3d model of the concept. I used materials like balsa wood and cardboard to make the physical model, Measuring, cutting out, and assembling each piece individually as part of the model making process. Finally, after completing this process for all three concepts, I then took all the visual media I accumulated and combined it all into an architectural-esque Magazine. Within the magazine I displayed all three concepts alongside with their floorplans, elevations, and exterior views/ renderings via SketchUp.

             Thus, within my time at Propel, I was able to create and design three architectural concepts, revolving around the architectural styles of Mid Century Modern and Mediterranean, using my newly garnered knowledge of the fundamentals and creative processes of architectural design. I hope my time here in Propel was just the beginning of my architecture journey as I hope to continue this as a potential career path in the near future.

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