Architectural Modelling - Tom

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Architectural Modelling - Tom


My project was an exploration of architecture that was centred around creating a cabin design on a large granite cliff that sits in between two lakes near my cabin in northwestern Ontario. The site I chose heavily influenced my design, and I learned site surveying techniques and some of the basics of cartography to map and model the location's landscape.

Before the design process began, I performed some foundational work to improve my sketching ability, learned about architectural styles and created a small design study. Once I was comfortable with my skill level, I used the site maps I had created to guide my design. I made sure to frame views and capture light while maintaining a modern traditional look.

The cabin “cliff house” is made up of two pavilions, the northern structure houses the kitchen and living spaces with views of Laclu, while the southern pavilion holds three bedrooms, a sauna, and a washroom with views overlooking Louise Lake. The connection between the two is entirely glazed, and a small indoor garden sits beneath its turf roof. I wanted the building to make use of natural materials, so the cabin is clad in local stone and cedar. I have created my design in a series of drawings, a SketchUp and a physical model set atop my topographic model.

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