Kaitlyn - Poetry


Before coming into Propel, Kaitlyn knew she wanted to do a project that involved lots of writing. She learned that poetry was the type of writing she liked the most and that came easiest to her, so she stuck with it. Her project idea morphed from a large collection of poems, the the meticulous crafting of just a few, with the ultimate goal of choosing one to “mastercraft.” This gave her lots of time to pay attention to even the smallest of details in her work, and ensured that every aspect of her poetry was well thought out and held meaning. Between week 1 and week 15, Kaitlyn wrote about 30 poems. She had to narrow them down to one that she could call her project.

After choosing her piece, she then needed to obtain feedback from writers with similar and different styles to flesh out what could be adjusted within her poem. Kaitlyn received feedback from the Propel Writers Guild that was established at the beginning of her semester. The group consisted of student poets, memoirists, and first-time novelists. She also solicited feedback from teachers and a writing mentor she idolizes. This resulted in a pile of scribbles she calls “her semester.”

Kaitlyn's final piece is a free-verse poem titled “woman”. She describes her piece as “one that challenges the stereotypes of who an indigenous woman is as well as her experiences with struggling to stay connected to her spirituality.” She also created her own blog where she does literature reviews and a poetry-themed Instagram page where she posts weekly. 

Website: https://kaitlynbookblogs.home.blog/

Instagram: poetrybykmdm_