Jade came to Propel wanting to work on clothing design. Throughout the process early in the semester, she learned she loved the creative art side of her project more than the fabrication of the clothing itself. With these findings, she formed the duration of her semester into two week art explorations. Every two weeks she was to try a new art medium, create a blog post, and take pictures of her pieces. The purpose of this was to create greater knowledge of the skills she already has and push herself to try new things with her art.
Jade's two-week blocks included clothing design, fabric painting, photography, and airbrushing. She would start each block by doing research and testing out the art medium, and would then work on the final project and blog post. During that time she would learn new techniques, how and when to use them, and decided what she wants her final product to be. Her final product at the end of the semester will be 4 final pieces - one to display for each block.