Chloe - Zumba Fundraiser


Chloe's Propel project was devoted to hosting a Zumba fundraiser for Willow Place women's shelter. The goal of this celebratory event was to support social movements for empowering women.

Being the sole coordinator of this event, she has significantly improved both her critical thinking skills as well as her communication abilities. Communication and professionalism have played major roles in this project, as Chloe had regular meetings with organizations such as IRCOM, Peaceful Village, and Willow Place, as well as interviews with CJOB 680 radio station, Global and CTV news. Chloe feels that the art of communication will benefit her long after Propel.

Chloe has also learned many ways to organize herself. Having to book appointments, create budgeting charts, manage advertisements, and be in constant contact with the organizations and companies means that she has significantly improved organizational strategies.

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Global News Coverage

Global News Interview

Interview with CTV

Interview with CJOB