“To the Stars Who Listen” is a graphic novel set in a futuristic neon run city named Prydell. This story follows Kai, a young woman in a dead end job with nowhere in life to go, and Alta, the cold but caring leader of an uprising against the city government. These two get pushed together by a dangerous mishap which leaves Kai with too many questions and not enough answers. But one question is bigger than the rest - should she join the revolution? Or should she go back to being just another face in the crowd?
Alyssa has created the first chapter of “To the Stars Who Listen” in Propel. The story has been posted on Tapas as a webcomic and has four more chapters planned to create a full story. The story is written with the message of needing to realize what needs to be fixed within yourself before trying to fix the world around you, and also features some social commentary. Alyssa used Firealpaca with a Wacom tablet to create the art for the story. She was unfamiliar with the program and tablet, so also had the chance to test out and explore more digital mediums.
Instagram: @oodleof_doodles